Perbedaan Get up dan Wake up

January 11, 2019

1. Get up :
              To wake up and get out of bed, or to tell or help someone to do this.
             (Memiliki arti bangun dan bangkit dari kasur, berdiri dan bersiap untuk aktifitas selanjutnya)

Contoh kalimat =

  •      I got up at five o'clock this morning.
  •      It's dreadful trying to get the kids up on school days.

2. Wake up :
           To (cause someone) become awake and concious after sleeping.
          (Bangun / Membuat seseorang terbangun and sadar setelah tidur). Yang berarti bangunnya hanya membuka mata, dalam keadaan sadar tapi masih berada di kasur.

Contoh kalimat =

  •       Did you wake at all during the night?
  •       Please wake me early tomorrow.
  •       I woke up with a headache.
  •       Jane's hand on my shoulder woke me out of / from a bad dream.

Source : sutanto leo (a challenging book to practice teaching ing english), 58.

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